Fake ZamZam Water UK Alert

How to spot Fake Counterfeit Zamzam Water Bottles

Please be advice that the counterfeit fake packaging (Printed Box, Plastic Bag and Bottle) from Turkiye looks exactly similar / identical to the real ones which are available from Jeddah and Madina Airport and the Official distribution centre in Makkah.

Always keep the genuine original packaging (Box, Plastic Bag and Bottle) which is bought from Jeddah and Madina Airports for comparison and reference purpose.

Keep the original and fake/counterfeit bottles including the white box next to each for comparison purpose and observe the differences critically.

1st Red Flag

1) Printed White Boxes x 4 in 1 Brown Box .

2) White Printed Box with shiny finish and bright colours with sealed printed plastic bag.

3) Observe Humidity inside the sealed plastic bag and around the bottle.

4) The bottle label material – please try to tear it if its plastic or paper.

5) On some batches of fake/counterfeit Zamzam – the Production and Expiry dates are stickered on the box itself.

2nd Red Flag

6) Water level in the fake/counterfeit bottle is nearly full up to the cap with very less or no air pocket and when compared to 3 or 4 bottles from the same batch there is a possibility of different water levels indicating that it’s been manually filled and not on an automatic bottling plant.

7) Fake/Counterfeit bottle plastic feels very flimsy / thinner as compared to the original ones. Also when looking through the bottle plastic and water inside you will observe a certain kind of vision waviness which indicates a poor or recycled plastic is used.

8) Surface of the Fake/Counterfeit bottle is very shiny (mint condition), scratch-less / spotless / clean with no indication of wear and tear marks.

9) Fake/Counterfeit bottle label itself is very shiny, smooth, no marks, no scratches, no wear and tear indication.

10) On the original bottle the word on the side of the bottle ‘ZAMZAM’ is uniformly embossed with sharp and very visible edges however as compared to the fake/counterfeit ones the word is embossed non-uniformly and looks faded.

11) At the bottom of the white printed box please look out for the logo ‘HGC with a Hexagon on the side’’ indicating that this is a Turkiye printing company.

3rd Red Flag

12) Cap – the original bottle has a blue cap with ‘Zamzam’ embossed on it against a very uniform itched texture as compared to the fake/counterfeit bottle the background is not uniform and sometimes completely missing with circular lines when compared to the bottle caps from the same batch.

13) Fake/Counterfeit bottles have poor or no visibility of Production Date and Batch Number which is laser engraved on the bottle.

14) Format and Font of laser engraved Production Date and Batch number on the original bottle are completely different as compared to the fake/counterfeit bottle and sometimes not even laser engraved properly making it difficult to read or not visible at all.

15) Bottle Numbering – Original bottles will have an embossed bottle number varying between 1 and 20 at the bottom of bottle as compared to the fake/counterfeit bottle the bottle numbers at the bottom are missing.

16) Logo with letter ‘’S’’ embossed at the bottom of the original bottle is missing on the fake counterfeit Bottle.

Please be advised:

If you have found your Zamzam water stock to be fake/counterfeit please contact the seller/reseller immediately and inform them about the discrepancies and request them to immediately arrange return and refund and also don’t forgot to report it back to us – if you are unsure we can come and help inspect your stock for further verification.

At this stage many sellers and reseller’s will quietly return and refund however some of them will try to argue and present you with following false justifications and myths.

a) They will say the bottle is different because there are 3 or 4 different factories in Saudi Arabia who are bottling the Zamzam water – This is false myth created to cover the discrepancies in the fake/counterfeit bottles claims here in UK.

Some people have reported that they have heard the same story/myth in the shops of Madina and Makkah when they are buying Zamzam water bottles from local street shops.

This is true – Because even in Saudi Arabia there is a factory that produces identical fake Zamzam 5L water bottles and supplies to local street shops who target mainly the tourist and pilgrims who are visiting Saudi Arabia first time and don’t know much about the real and fake ones or don’t know where to buy it from.

Below is the video and article that proves our explanation.

b) Main Importer / Seller and Resellers in UK will test the pH level of the fake counterfeit Zamzam water and try to demonstrate it to you that it is same as original Zamzam water which is around pH value ranges 7.9 to 8.
pH level testing is completely unreliable and don’t proof if the tested water is actually Zamzam because the counterfeiters are dissolving a pH balancing salt in the normal water and changing its pH level in the range of 7.9 to 8 to create this illusion.

c) Please visit the official website of King Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz Project for Zamzam which is managed and ran by National Water Company of Saudi Arabia and presents the true and factual information about the original Zamzam 5L water bottles and the production/bottling facility in Kudai District of Mecca / Makkah.

d) If the seller/reseller tries to claim that they are ‘’Certified UK Zamzam supplier’’ – please be advice this is completely false statement. Zamzam water is export banned item on the Saudi Customs and Saudi Government export prohibited list. There is no way that Zamzam water is been officially exported out of Saudi Arabia with an explicit permission of Saudi Government and they have actually appointed official / certified distributors sellers in UK.

Comparison between Original and Fake/Counterfeit Zamzam 5L Water Bottle

Comparison between Original and Fake/Counterfeit Zamzam 5L Water Bottle